Duloe Community Shop - Community Affairs
Duloe Community Grant Scheme
Are you aged between 16 and 18? Going on to further education or training? Do you need help with travel or any educational expenses?
We are pleased to announce a new fund to assist young people from the Parish with a grant towards their educational costs. Councillor Tony Barret who has been leading on this project said, "We hope this small grant scheme will help the young people in our Parish and we look forward to assisting where we can. We are working with local Parish groups, to create this fund, open to anyone aged 16 to 18 years old who is going on to further education or training. The grant can be used for travel, books or other educationally related expenses. We look forward to receiving all your applications!".
Grants will be awarded before the 1st of September. All the details and application forms will be Available soon. Posts will go out via social media and on the Council's noticeboards. In the meantime if you would like further details, please email the Parish Clerk: clerkatduloeparishcouncil@gmail.com
Grants will be awarded before the 1st of September. All the details and application forms will be Available soon. Posts will go out via social media and on the Council's noticeboards. In the meantime if you would like further details, please email the Parish Clerk: clerkatduloeparishcouncil@gmail.com
Duloe Communtiy Shop Needs You!
Volunteers needed at Duloe Community Shop.
Volunteers are needed to help run Duloe Community Shop. Come and join our team of volunteers that help run the village shop. Hours are flexible, and although any experience of retail is desirable it's not required, as we'll help you get used to staffing the shop when you begin. If you're interested in helping out, please get in touch by emailing duloecs@outlook.com or by calling 01503 265592.